Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Thursday, March 8, 2012
The Boge Air Compressor - S Series - How it Works
- Intake filter with microfilter paper insert
- Multi-function intake controller
- Oil injection
- Compressor airend
- Oil separator vessel
- Oil separator cartridge
- Minimum pressure non-return valve
- Oil cooler and
- Aftercooler parallel with cooling air flow
- Oil microfilter
- Thermostatic valve
- Cleaning access point
BOGE S series screw compressors draw in atmospheric air through a cabinet pre-filter mat, into a paper intake filter (1) before entering the multifunction intake regulator (2). The cleaned air then passes into the airend that is driven by an electric motor.
Continuously cooled BOGE compressor oil is then injected into the screws in accurately metered quantities (3).
Oil fulfils three functions:
- Cooling
- Sealing
- Lubrication
It absorbs and removes the heat generated by the compression process. At the same time, it seals the compression gap between the contra rotating screws and the airend case as well as lubricating the rotor bearings.
The compressed air oil mixture leaves the airend (4) via a flanged connection directly onto the horizontal separation vessel (5) without any pressure loss. Here, the oil is initially separated by mechanical impingement and finally by precipitation caused by the rapid reduction in flow velocity, to an efficiency of more than 99%. There is zero pressure reduction.
By the time the compressed air passes through the final spin-on oil separator cartridge (6) there is a minimal residual oil content of only 1 - 3 mg/m³ in every operating mode.
After final separation, the air passes through the minimum pressure valve (7) and into the cooler pack (9) where it is cooled to approx. 8 °C above inlet temperature. A large percentage of the condensate contained in the compressed air is separated here. The compressed air then finally reaches the network via a normal gate valve.
Oil separated in the horizontal separation vessel rapidly de-aerates and therefore reduces foam quickly. Downstream in the generously sized oil cooler (8) there is optimum cooling for re-injection to the airend. The final spin-on oil filter cartridge cleans the oil so that it can be re-circulated. A thermostatic oil valve (11) ensures that all BOGE screw compressors work at an optimum temperature in all operating phases.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Boge Air Compressors - Products
Compressed air knowledge and experience are given benefits from BOGE with over 100 years of manufacturing excellence.
BOGE manufactures a complete range of lubricated and oil free screw and piston compressors from 1 to 450 HP.
When the award winning S Series range of BOGE screw compressors was launched 17 years ago it provided a revolutionary design concept. In essence it provided a high level of compressed air efficiency and reliability underpinned by a modular concept and a simplified service friendly layout.
The technical excellence designed into the award winning BOGE S series screw compressors creates a range of benefits that our customers enjoy worldwide.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Boge Air Compressors - People
Strength in detail qualifies us to provide greater service.
Global engineering is an everyday thing for BOGE these days.
With a high degree of technical know-how, our engineers design
complete compressed-air systems for all manner of applications. And
develop product innovations which are successful all over the world.
Boge Air Compressors - Service & Parts
Your decision to use BOGE products for your compressed air supply underscores how demanding your requirements are. BOGE complements its products with comprehensive customer service support - every day, around the clock and as fast as possible. You can rely on our local and global BOGE support teams and spare parts depots for guaranteed dependable and complete availability.
In order to ensure optimum functioning of all machines and equipment we have designed a perfectly harmonized performance program. In addition to the highest product quality, this program includes the indisputable competence of our technicians and engineers. Regular training and instruction courses are a must for our highly qualified employees. You can count on the professional infrastructure of the BOGE service management. This is true for both small repairs and extensive maintenance works. Don't forget: Preventive maintenance saves costs.
Boge Air Compressors - Worldwide Market
BOGE compressed air systems continues to strengthen its market position in 2011.
BOGE compressed air systems recorded a cumulative turnover of 90 million euros in 2010, a growth totaling 12.5 percent compared to the previous year. For 2011, the Bielefeld-based company aims to achieve a further two-digit increase in turnover.
Already in the first three months of the current financial year, BOGE compressed air systems have experienced a strong upswing, spurring the outlook of further growth. As in the previous year, the share of turnover from exports continued to increase. From the cumulative turnover, 40 percent was earned in Germany (2009: 42 percent) and 60 percent in other countries (2009: 58 percent). Established in 1907, BOGE is one of the world's leading providers of compressors and compressed air systems. The company employs 550 members of staff, 370 of whom are located at the headquarters in Bielefeld, Germany and 50 at the plant in Shanghai.
Boge Air Compressors - Innovation
BOGE now has over 100 years of knowledge, experience and engineering expertise to provide you with the perfect quality compressor formula!
Boge Air Compressors - 100 Years Experience
In business for over 100 years, BOGE is well known for providing efficient compressed air supply system solutions. Each BOGE compressor is precision engineered and manufactured to the highest quality standards complemented with one to one customer support.
BOGE is a leading German manufacturer of compressors and also represented worldwide in more than 80 countries. Quality knows no borders.
Proven technology: BOGE manufactures oil injected screw compressors as well as oil lubricated and oil free compressor stations and ancillary equipment. Compressor capacities and outputs range from 0.4 to 355 kW, from 0.1 to 51,4 m³/min and from 4 to 40 bar.
Dependable service: With more than 200 branch offices and service partners worldwide, BOGE is able to offer complete and prompt customer service - reliable and local.
Efficient energy saving solutions: Aware of the necessity for a responsible attitude towards existing resources, BOGE focuses on creating energy saving compressed air solutions from both an economic and ecological viewpoint.
Boge Air Compressors - One Step Ahead
Boge Air Compressors are always one step ahead with air compressor technology and innovation.
Boge Air Compressors S-Series with DuoTherm
Utilizing a modular design concept, the S 10 to S 29-2 models are available as a stand alone unit, as a receiver mounted compressed air package - with or without a refrigerant dryer, as well as a built-in frequency control option.
The 10 - 30 HP S Series range provides a high level of compressed air efficiency and reliability with a small footprint.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Boge C and CL Series Air Compressors - Best In Class
The C and CL series air compressors from BOGE (Click here to view video) provides a small and quiet screw compressor ideally suited to the smaller industrial compressor user, such as garages and workshops.

The compact design further ensures a small footprint - the ideal solution where space is at a premium.
All components and parts are readily accessible from one point allowing service and maintenance work to be carried out in a hassle-free manner.
Boge Air Compressor Demonstration
This video was taken in Powder Springs, Georgia in November 2011 at the BOGE air compressors warehouse during a dealer conference. We learned about the new C-CL series air compressors they are now producing. The demonstration was given by top engineers with BOGE in Germany.
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